Joining Local 586

Welcome to Local 586! We’re glad that you are interested in joining us and we look forward to working with you. Whether you’re interested in the benefits of union membership, in making your job better, or simply in joining the largest association of professional musicians in the country, we’re here for you.

Step 1

Option A

Apply by Mail You may download a .pdf application. Click here to download.

Please mail your completed, signed application with check or money order to:

Professional Musicians of Arizona
1202 E. Oak Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006

please click here for member fees

You can also pay your new member fees via our website here

Option B

APPLY VIA AFM Website You can also join Local 586 and pay your initiation fee online via the AFM website

Step 2

Create Musician Profile Please click here to create your Local 586 profile. We will alert you via email or phone when we have received your application and membership fees.

Do not hesitate to contact the Local 586 office should you have any questions regarding the completion and submission of your application.

Membership Dues & Fees

Initiation Fees

In order to join Local 586, there is a one-time Initiation Fee of $100 plus prorated yearly Membership Dues. The Initiation Fee is comprised of a National Initiation Fee of $65 dollars which is forwarded to the American Federation of Musicians and a Local Initation Fee of $35 which remains with Local 586.

Membership Dues

Local 586 members pay Membership Dues of $150 per year. Membership Dues may be paid yearly, biannually (every 6 months) or quarterly. Membership Dues may be paid in installments of $150 per year, $80 per 6 months or $42.50 per calendar quarter. Upon payment of Membership Dues, a Membership Card will be provided to the member.

Youth Membership

Musicians who have not reached their 21st birthday may join Local 586 as a Youth Member. The $100 Initiation Fee is waived for Youth Members. All other membership and work dues apply.

Student Membership

Any student with a valid student ID may join Local 586 as a Student Member. The $100 Initiation Fee is waived for Student Members. All other membership and work dues apply.

Life Membership and Reduced Annual Dues

A member for 35 consecutive years who has attained 65 years of age may apply for Life Membership which entitles the member to reduced Membership Dues of $80 per year, also payable in quarterly installments of $24.00 per calendar quarter.


For a musician who has resigned from Local 586 in good standing (that is, whose Membership and Work Dues were paid up to the date of resignation) and who wishes to re-enter Local 586, they must pay a prorated Membership Dues payment. For a musician whose membership in Local 586 lapsed not in good standing and who wishes to re-enter Local 586 within four years of the date of lapse, they must pay all outstanding balances on their account plus applicable prorated Membership Dues payment. If the period of time exceeds four years, the musician is considered a new member and is required to remit a “new members” Initiation Fee of $100.

Entry or Transfer from Another Local

Members in good standing of another AFM Local may join or transfer membership to Local 586 by paying the $35 Local Initiation Fee plus applicable prorated Membership Dues.


If a member wishes to resign in good standing s/he must send a letter to the Membership Department, prior to the end of a quarter for which the member’s Annual Membership Dues have been paid, stating that s/he wishes to resign his/her membership.

Address/Phone Change Moved? Have you added or changed your home, business, cellular number? Do you have a new e-mail address? Keep your directory listing current. To update your records visit our offices; call (602) 254-8838; or send us an e-mail